BlueSaab 6.1 - No "BlueSaab" Bluetooth device available after power up

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Re: BlueSaab 6.1 - No "BlueSaab" Bluetooth device available after power up

After some struggling I switched to another approach. I left the board aside for a couple of weeks. Then, I randomly took it, flashed it with the latest v6.1.1 firmware, plugged it in the car....and voila, it works! So I guess in the past I was stuck in a repetitive faulty circle. I needed this step aside.

Anyway, both boards work, but from my point of view the audio volume is pretty low, even if I raise my phone volume to max, BlueSaabs volume is considerably lower than radio/CD player when switching the source. I always have to raise it when switching to BlueSaab and lower it when switching to radio. Is there a way how to fix it? I saw in the code the RN52 gets a VolMax command during Init, so this should be at its max. Another way could be to replace the feedback resistors R21,R22,R23 and R24 with a higher resistance  in order to raise the amp gain. Currently I see it is set to G=2. Do you thing it is the right way to go? I would like to do some testing in couple of weeks.