Hi there,
I do confirm that it
will work : all the latest modules I built were with -AU ones.
Actually, -15AZ one is an "automotive" version of the Atmega328, that's to say it is supposedly more reliable in tough conditions and can stand higher working temperature (125°C vs 85°C)... That would be useful if its environnement was close to engine or continuously under high vibrations. Laying in the trunk of our SAABs isn't so severe working condition, afaik

Price of -AU version is also much lower than -15AZ, something like one third...
About BlueSAAB version, yes 5.3.1 is the latest available. I did some further work to end at a v5.5 which is basically the same : my aim was to get closer to a v6 version by bringing all components onto PCB's upper side except RN52 chip. Still struggling with OSHPark upload for this version because upper silkscreen partly disapears once processed by their website, can't find out why
01' 9.3 SE Conv - AS3 - Nexus 5 Android M 6.0.1 - BlueSaab v4.2 + Amp - Latest CDC repo.