Here's the 5.1 BOM from Mouser.
It's pretty similar to 5.0 with just a few additions. However, there is a normally closed switch on 5.1 so with a small tweak, you could use a 5.0 BOM but the module wouldn't get any power until you shorted the 2 pins of the normally closed switch (SOT23-5 package).
Having said that, the software hasn't been updated yet to control the switch (which is fine; it's normally closed). Eventually, the software will have a feature that will detect when the module has locked up, and cause the switch to open for ~4.8s and then close again to basically "hard" reboot the module.
I hadn't released the BOM yet because neither Karlis or I had built any yet just to make sure they work...but of course they *should* work :) He's currently building some right now so we should know soon!