Looking for pre-assabled module(s) V5.x for 9-3 OG

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Looking for pre-assabled module(s) V5.x for 9-3 OG

Hello, First I would like to compliment the guys who startend this project. You are Heroes!
And of but.... I don't have any soldering or programming skills and I would like to play high quality audio in my 1999 Saab. So I purchased a module which had been assembled. What a great experience to stream music via my iPhone. Now some frineds of me want one too...
 I am willing to pay the right price and even buy more units if that is possible? On the Dutch SAABForum we have not been able to find a solution, although a lot of request for finished and ready to install modules are published. Some guys startend an assembly line, but nothing is heared from them since... Who can help us out?
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Re: Looking for pre-assabled module(s) V5.x for 9-3 OG

Thanks, Quabriolet! I'm glad you are enjoying your BlueSaab module. For now I've set my soldering setup aside; even I need a vacation. :) BlueSaab V6 is just around the corner, we have to figure out one last issue (painless code uploads via USB) and then it's going to be ready for public. Once we figure this out, I'm thinking of making a batch of these so we could do some coverage on different cars. No specific ETA yet, but I'd say we should have some updates in January. :) Stay tuned.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: Looking for pre-assabled module(s) V5.x for 9-3 OG

Thanks! Great.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Best regards,

Quirijn a.k.a. Qabriolet

Op 11 dec. 2017 om 22:22 heeft Karlis [via BlueSaab Forum] <[hidden email]> het volgende geschreven:

Thanks, Quabriolet! I'm glad you are enjoying your BlueSaab module. For now I've set my soldering setup asidel; even I need a vacation. :) BlueSaab V6 is just around the corner, we have to figure out one last issue (painless code uploads via USB) and then it's going to be ready for public. Once we figure this out, I'm thinking of making a batch of these so we could do some coverage on different cars. No specific ETA yet, but I'd say we should have some updates in January. :) Stay tuned.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)

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