Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?

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Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?

After 2 years work I Recently finished 3 pieces of Bluesaab 6.1.1. Unfortunately I ony have 1 Saab, so if anyone is interested in a tested Bluesaab let me hear. Both are good working and tested. As you can see on the pictures it is only the PCB, no box included.

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Re: Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?

J.K Nilsson
How much would it cost for a Bluesaab and shipping to Sweden?

J.K Nilsson
2004 Aero SC Auto still stock....
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Re: Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?

Hi J. K.,

Tanks for your interest. I just sold one for €125,- to a guy in the Netherlands. I'm from the Netherlands to. I send them both so he can test it (they are a little bit different). When I have got one of them back I will let you know. Shippingcost will be about €5 or €12,50 with ensureance . Another possibility is a guy who lives in Sweden and he's coming here next month.

I let you know when I have the unit back.

groet Bart

Op di 22 dec. 2020 00:31 schreef J.K Nilsson [via BlueSaab Forum] <[hidden email]>:
How much would it cost for a Bluesaab and shipping to Sweden?

J.K Nilsson
2004 Aero SC Auto still stock....

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Re: Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?

In reply to this post by Bisonder
still avaliable? And are these models with the sid text controlling?
Saab 9-5 2.3t SE -98
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Re: Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?


Sorry, they are sold.

Best regards,


Op za 16 jan. 2021 om 17:37 schreef jonmppa [via BlueSaab Forum] <[hidden email]>:
still avaliable? And are these models with the sid text controlling?
Saab 9-5 2.3t SE -98

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Re: Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?

In reply to this post by J.K Nilsson

A few month ago I said I should inform you if I had a bluesaab-module ready. Now I have one including a box (see picture). Let me know if your still interested. No hassle if you are not interested.

groet Bart

Op di 22 dec. 2020 00:31 schreef J.K Nilsson [via BlueSaab Forum] <[hidden email]>:
How much would it cost for a Bluesaab and shipping to Sweden?

J.K Nilsson
2004 Aero SC Auto still stock....

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Re: Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?


I still don't have a module but i've been playing with the thought lately to build one myself, so i'm going to pass this one (even if it still was avaliavle) ;D
Saab 9-5 2.3t SE -98
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Re: Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?


Building yourself is the better choice. Fun to do and you learn a lot. Good luck! in case you don't succeed you are always welcome. At the moment I have one unit ready for selling.

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Re: Interested in a Bluesaab 6.1.1?


Do you still have the bluesaab built for sale?

Greetings, Marius