Bluesaab 6.1.1 problem

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Bluesaab 6.1.1 problem

I have a problem with the module version of the text display on the SID, when playing music the first song shows on the display, but when the song changes all the time the title of the first one remains, until the car restarts. The other issue is that the night panel does not work. Is there anything that can be done about these problems? due to the non-functioning of some pages, it's hard for me to dig into whether this is the way it's supposed to be or whether something is wrong after all.
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Re: Bluesaab 6.1.1 problem

sorry about the forum links broken; Nabble really screwed things up when they changed the address; nothing I can do to fix that...

You might try to reflash the module and see if that fixes the glitch; although, I think there's an issue if your car has parking sensors and you have SID text enabled...not sure if this is the case with you or not.
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Re: Bluesaab 6.1.1 problem

No, i dont have SPA