BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

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BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Just to be sure... will de BlueSaab work with my '04 9-5 AS3 headunit with Denso navigation? (Do have a CDC in the booth of my 9-5)

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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Nope :( it only works with the head units without navigation.
9-5 Estate MY2004/Aero/Glacier Blue/AS2
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

In reply to this post by jelleisbleij
I would let forum member "Ziq" to chime in. He's been working on a very similar project on his SAAB with a Navigation unit. PM him and he might give you a better insight.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Thanks Karlis, will PM Ziq.
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

In reply to this post by sloth
Just received a mail from Ziq; he thinks the BlueSaab module should work with the Denso Navigation unit.
Main difference is that the SID is not used for displaying any info coming from the Denso Nav, but I don't mind that...

I guess I'll have to get a unit and find out, with al the experts on this forum we might just get it working allright :-)
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Update; I've purchased a unit from homerisback. It's a v3.2 unit with the latest software version.

Just received it and installed it, works right away. Steeringwheel controls work, have not tested the headunit controls yet, will test those later (forgot to test them just now, will do later when I have more time).

Touchscreen does not display CDX at first, after connecting to the Bluesaab unit via bluetooth it showed up (not sure if it was because the unit was still booting, or doesn't show itself until connected to via bluetooth).
Was able to select source via touchscreen after it showed up, and I could play music right away.

Touchscreen showed disc 2, track 1 as playing (but this could be because I had disc 2 playing before I disconnected the CDX, not sure).

As expected SID does not show anything as it's not used by the headunit in this setup (Denso navigation, AS3).

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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Yay! Thanks for the feedback! Now we know that BlueSaab works (sort of) on cars with navigation. :) Keep us posted. We would really like to know how the module behaves on cars with NAV.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Coming days I'll test some more and keep you guys posted on what works or does not work as it should.
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Ok, the unit has been working fine for a week now.
All hardware buttons work, software buttons on the HU do not do anything it seems.

But since this morning I could not connect to the Bluesaab (v3.2 with V3.6 software), unit was not being discovered by my phone.

After opening it, both bluetooth LED indicators were off.
After unplugging and plugging the unit both BT1 and BT2 (red and blue) flashed 3 times. Searched on this forum and it seems that the RN52 has gone into DFU (firmware update?) mode.

Any tips how to get it out of DFU?

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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Yes, that definitely sounds/looks like DFU mode. Are you sure the switch is in NORMAL mode, not DFU mode? Try switching it back and forth a few times...I'm not super happy with this switch...I've had a few that don't work 100% right (have to bump them just right to switch, etc).

If that doesn't work, then make sure that R12 (47k resistor) is good, and that R11 (22k resistor) is good...DFU mode is when GPIO3 is pulled high. But that shouldn't happen if the switch is in Normal mode (and there's even a diode to prevent GPIO3 from being pulled high but apparently that doesn't work, hence why I left the switch there).
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Left my multimeter at work, so can't measure anything today, but I tried the switch (even desoldered it).
Reflowed both resistors. Still going into DFU mode unfortunately. Can't check if the resistors have failed, but I guess they shouldn't, or are they known to fail?
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

No, they haven't been known to fail, just thinking of why GPIO3 is being pulled high...and with switch removed, that leaves R12 pulling it to gnd...which is good (non-DFU mode) i'm not sure wtf is going on...a meter will def help.

can you post pictures of your pcb for us? I can try to see if anything looks out of whack...
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Also reflowed all RN52 connections; still same result.

Pics of both sides of the pcb:
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

Thanks for the photos. I don't see anything wrong...

And without a meter, I would try removing R11 (22k) and/or D3, and/or the switch. That will ensure that gpio3 doesn't have a way to get pulled high and into dfu mode...if that doesn't fix it...might be a worse problem...

Removing any of those components will make it impossible to upload new firmware via USB, but that's of littl consequence; new rn52 firmware is highly unlikely to be available from Microchip anytime soon.
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

I have removed the switch, R11 and D3, RN52 still goes into DFU. Monday I'll get my meter back from work and check the state of gpio3 on the RN52. Or maybe just desolder and solder back the RN52, to make sure there are not shorts anywhere.
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Re: BlueSaab with '04 9-5 AS3 with Denso NAV

I had a similar problem long time ago (with one of first RN52 based modules I made). Turned out to be a short on RN52. I applied the flux on the pins generously and went over them with soldering iron @ 350C with a "drag" method. It has to be done quickly and with a steady hand. If everything goes well, the pins should take as much solder as they need and not more and the excess solder should stick on the iron. That way you could get clean connections.

Hope this helps.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)