Schematics and documentation

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Schematics and documentation

When trying to debug the Bluesaab module it would be immensely helpful to have the schematics and just general documentation available, I'm pretty sure I've looked through the entire forum and only found schematics for version 3.2.

I'm personally interested in the wiring and schematics of bluesaab version 3.3a, but I'm sure other people would also like schematics of all the versions!
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Re: Schematics and documentation

Yes, you're right. I should post everything up somewhere...I guess PDF would be the easiest?
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Re: Schematics and documentation

PDF would probably be the easiest yes, I wouldn't mind having the .sch files as well but PDF's should be enough and probably the easiest
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Re: Schematics and documentation

Lidenburg wrote
PDF would probably be the easiest yes, I wouldn't mind having the .sch files as well but PDF's should be enough and probably the easiest
I updated this post :)
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Re: Schematics and documentation

Thank you! That was extremely fast! :D