BlueSaab XM

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BlueSaab XM

Folks, here's what an assembled BlueSaab XM module looks like.

It was quite a journey to get to this point. Huge kudos and respect to Seth for his hardware design! Everyone should by him a case of beer for his hard work in getting the design ready!

Now to the fun part of connecting the dots on the software side and testing this thing out!

To be continued.

2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab XM

Very nice job seen on FB ;)
Huge kudos to both of you since the beginning of this amazing project !!
01' 9.3 SE Conv - AS3 - Nexus 5 Android M 6.0.1 - BlueSaab v4.2 + Amp - Latest CDC repo.
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Re: BlueSaab XM

In reply to this post by Karlis
Following this with great interest, any updates on the progress would be appreciated ☺️
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Re: BlueSaab XM

So far we have verified that the module works in a sense it can communicate on GMLAN. We have put together a bit more complicated "passthrough" setup to figure out how the actual XM module talks to the car and what kind of status reports it sends out. More to come.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab XM

Time for another progress update perhaps?

Happy Easter!
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Re: BlueSaab XM

Not much to of an update to report at the moment. Module works. I've been driving with it in my car for a couple of months now. Trying to hunt down the reason behind occasional dropouts. I believe it has something to do with the "node presence report" being messed up in some cases.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab XM

In reply to this post by Karlis
Here is the BOM for BlueSaab XM v1.3
