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Just got word from OSHpark my v5.1 boards are being shipped.

Is the BOM available for this board layout? Or is it similar enough to V5?

Cant wait to test it out...!

2005 9-5 Aero Wagon,  past: '93 9000 aero, '89 SPG
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Re: v5.1

Here's the 5.1 BOM from Mouser.

It's pretty similar to 5.0 with just a few additions. However, there is a normally closed switch on 5.1 so with a small tweak, you could use a 5.0 BOM but the module wouldn't get any power until you shorted the 2 pins of the normally closed switch (SOT23-5 package).

Having said that, the software hasn't been updated yet to control the switch (which is fine; it's normally closed). Eventually, the software will have a feature that will detect when the module has locked up, and cause the switch to open for ~4.8s and then close again to basically "hard" reboot the module.

I hadn't released the BOM yet because neither Karlis or I had built any yet just to make sure they work...but of course they *should* work :) He's currently building some right now so we should know soon!
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Re: v5.1

In reply to this post by danbr890
Danbr890 - I'm curious if you've completed your build of the V5.1!?  I'm just getting ready to put together an order myself.

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Re: v5.1

In reply to this post by Seth
Did it work? Planning on making one for my -04 9-5 and one for my brothers -01 9-3.

Should i order according to 5.1 or 5.0 BOM?

Best regards
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Re: v5.1

This post was updated on .
Hi Mikael,
Did you see the post you bumped is one year old ?
Things have gone a little further since with integrated AMP board and little tweaking of the board layout. I suggest you to look at v5.3 you could find at
Order from OSH Park

Or the latest one (v5.5 DPAK) where all components except Bluetooth chip (RN52) are on upper side and the voltage regulator is a DPAK one. It's available at
Order from OSH Park

Which ever one you decide to go with, I'd be happy to provide the BOM.
Best regards
01' 9.3 SE Conv - AS3 - Nexus 5 Android M 6.0.1 - BlueSaab v4.2 + Amp - Latest CDC repo.
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Re: v5.1

I plan on making one, should I wait for v6 or go with 5.5? If so I'd like the BOM :)
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Re: v5.1

In reply to this post by homerisback

Yes It's old, but did not find anything else. Found it very hard to find where the latest information is. The blog is not updated for a year, and facebook can't be the right place to look, where is the  "home page" with all the latest information? Gerber files would be nice, usually orders from itead studio.

Best regards
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Re: v5.1

Guys, yeah, this blog hasn't been refreshed for a while. Been busy making new stuff and fixing some old to make sure there's something to write about at all. You should be using links provided in this post for v5.3 building reference.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: v5.1

v5.5_DPAK share @ OSHPark is updated with parts values on PCB, link to BOM and information about CDC connector.
Order from OSH Park
01' 9.3 SE Conv - AS3 - Nexus 5 Android M 6.0.1 - BlueSaab v4.2 + Amp - Latest CDC repo.