Status as of January 2019

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Status as of January 2019

By my reckoning, BlueSaab is currently at:
- H/W version 5.5
- S/W version 4.1 (with a 5.1 beta available)
- PCB version RN52 v5.5

It appears that the last substantive updates occurred in late 2017.

Four of the BOM components (at Mouser) are on back-order, with wait times between 39 and 51 weeks!
   1N4148W-7-F         (D1-4)
   C0805C470J5GACTU    (C16-17)
   CGA4J3X7R1C475KD    (C12)
   LMK212ABJ106MG-T    (C1-3,17,19-20,27,29)

If v6 will be officially released within the first quarter of this year -and- uses in-stock parts, I will wait.  Otherwise, I'll need to find substitutes for the above.  Would appreciate any leads regarding alternate sources.  THANKS!
'99 9⁵ SE     \
                  AS3 Prestige
'04 9⁵ Aero  /
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Re: Status as of January 2019

Your synthesis about the project status is correct :)
v6 H/W is ready but S/W isn't, afaik.

Components go pretty often on back-order status but common components like those you mention are easy to substitute using Mouser's "show similar parts" or whatever it is named on website.
What you have to do is select the most required caracteristics and then make your shopping. In our project, required caracteristics are value (in ohms or µF, for instance), size (0805 for v5.1 and onwards), tolerance and voltage may be good filters as well to narrow results.
With that, you should be close enough to truth. Regarding 1N4148's case, searching 1N4148 and 0805 should give you answers.
Hope this helps and happy new year !
01' 9.3 SE Conv - AS3 - Nexus 5 Android M 6.0.1 - BlueSaab v4.2 + Amp - Latest CDC repo.
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Re: Status as of January 2019

Homer - after spending some time finding acceptable substitute components, I had my order ready to go... but I'm glad I didn't pull the trigger!   BlueSaab v.6.1 was finally released early last month!  So I'm going to skip v5.5 and align myself with this project's future.  I'm sure I'll have questions after I've received my parts and started my build.  Notably, there's very little posted about working with the STM32, vis-a-vis the ATMEGA328P that it replaces.
'99 9⁵ SE     \
                  AS3 Prestige
'04 9⁵ Aero  /
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Re: Status as of January 2019

Nothing much to say about STM32 vs ATMEGA328P apart form the fact that it's an industry standard and has CAN controller built in, which in turn reduces the need for an external controller like MCP2515.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)