Link to the BlueSaab blog

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Link to the BlueSaab blog


If you didn't come to the forum via the blog link, here it is. It goes back several years, to when I first started this project. Lots of good info, pictures, diagrams, schematics, and (old) code.
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Re: Link to the BlueSaab blog

Hi Seth - awesome project and a great design!  I know that your free time is scanty, but could you please update this blog to highlight the major changes from v5 to v6?  Thanks in advance.
'99 9⁵ SE     \
                  AS3 Prestige
'04 9⁵ Aero  /
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Re: Link to the BlueSaab blog

Differences between v6.x and v5.x:

*) v6.x STM32 as the main controller, which has a built in CAN controller
*) v6.x STM32 talks to RN52 at 115200bps; v5.x ATMEGA328 is configured at 9600bps
*) v6.x STM32 has a factory built-in bootloader that listens to UART1; v5.x ATMEGA328 has no bootloader by default
*) v6.x STM32 uses RTOS for dealing with time-critical event handling; v5.x uses custom functions for that
*) v6.x firmware has some added features for handling SID text control (automatic character mapping, timing, prioritization, etc.), that v5.x does not have
*) v6.x firmware code is portable and is being used in BlueSaab XM project as well

These are a few I could come up right from top of my head.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)