So, I've made two fully assembled and functional modules based on v3.2 PCB design.

If you want to get one for the
price of parts + shipping, here's how it works:
*) Reply to this post with "Yes! I want one!" message no later than by 11:59PM PST, January 17, 2016. This will allow people from all time zones of the world express their interest.
*) On January 18 I'll make a draw and pick two "winners" and will let them know individually so we can sort out the details.
*) You'll help us test the module and provide feedback occasionally :)
I have more parts laying around for additional three modules. However those are going to be based on v3.1 PCB design, which technically is the same as v3.2 apart from layout and color. They will be assembled later on this month...
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)