Noise on line when ignition ON

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Noise on line when ignition ON

Hi everyone.

When the ignition is OFF everybody works fine - the sound is clear. But when car is started (ignition ON) there is strange noise. Especially good to hear on quite music. Anyone else encountered this problem? The CDC cable is new.
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Re: Noise on line when ignition ON

It could be the Radio interfering ,  it's a common problem on 9-5 were radio outputs sound even if it's not selected
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Re: Noise on line when ignition ON

But it is only when ignition ON (key turned to ON position).  Will try to disconnect bus wire  while it playing and see what should be.
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Re: Noise on line when ignition ON

disconnecting the bus wire will not let you use the module, but you can try it.

does the noise happen when the radio is playing as well?

I've heard of people having sound issues where one speaker wire wasn't connected (or had a bad connection, or tied to ground by accident). You should check your wiring, ESPECIALLY if you have the dual connectors to the CD changer. You don't *need* the adapter that Saab made, but it makes it easier to not eff up the wiring ;)
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Re: Noise on line when ignition ON

Disconnecting the bus wire during playback will result in playback for around 5 seconds until the IHU realized the CDC is not reporting it's presence. So you can definetaly give it a try.

I can hear some noise on the line when nothing is playing, since the signals seems to be floating and the wires act as antennas, catching the CAN traffic. But now that I raised the volume from 11 to 15 on the module and I do not need to keep maximum volume it's not something that bothers me anymore. But that is disregarding ignition state.

Saab 9-5 2005 Nav
Building my own project based on mbed LPC1768 + RN52
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Re: Noise on line when ignition ON

I'd check the wiring. I have heard stories of wiring at the amp getting rusty and corroded which causes different distorted noises being sent all over the place. This particular issue manifests itself in moist/cold environments.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)