HU & Steering Wheel buttons issue

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Re: HU & Steering Wheel buttons issue

One more weird thing with the update from above.
I noticed that quite often the HU switched to the radio when I get into the car.

An hour ago it happened again and right before the radio went on I saw the text: "check CDC code" or something like that, it went away super fast.

9-5 Estate MY2004/Aero/Glacier Blue/AS2
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Re: HU & Steering Wheel buttons issue

In reply to this post by Karlis
And yeah, I did resolve the configuring of the RN52, I had to use the second to last release of the tool to get it to work. I think the latest release has exactly the same issue as the latest bluesaab release on older hardware :)
9-5 Estate MY2004/Aero/Glacier Blue/AS2