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BlueSaab 6.1 - No Response from Target

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BlueSaab 6.1 - No Response from Target

2 posts

I just finished assembling my first BlueSaab 6.1 board, and I'm not sure if the board is functioning correctly. Currently, I only get a solid red power LED, a solid green LED on the board, and an error stating that there is no response from the target when I attempt to flash it from Windows.

The only change I made from the provided BOM was swapping the STM32F103RBT7 for an STM32F103RBT6 that I removed from an STM Nucleo board due to the chip shortage.

I am not sure if the issue would be related to the microchip itself or another problem on the board.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: BlueSaab 6.1 - No Response from Target

133 posts
I don't thing swap of STM32 could prevent it from working.
Did you follow the STM32 programming process ? You need to put chip into upload mode to accept incoming comms from progamming tool. Here are the steps :

1. Press and hold BOOT0 button
2. While holding BOOT0, press and release RESET button
3. Release BOOT0 button

Now STM32 should be in DFU mode and accept firmware over UART1.
01' 9.3 SE Conv - AS3 - Nexus 5 Android M 6.0.1 - BlueSaab v4.2 + Amp - Latest CDC repo.
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Re: BlueSaab 6.1 - No Response from Target

2 posts

I did try following that procedure and still get the same error. Is there supposed to be any visual indication on the board that it is in DFU mode?

Thank you!
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