Atmega 328: available pins for SoftSerial UART

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Atmega 328: available pins for SoftSerial UART

Hi, I noticed that there are some available pins on the 328. Can any of these be used for emulated UARTs (softSerial)?

(I'm looking into the possibility of adding a DAB receiver)
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Re: Atmega 328: available pins for SoftSerial UART

AFAIK, any pin that's not being used can be used for SoftwareSerial, so you should be fine. Just be aware that starting with 5.1, we started using ADC7 for a module reset so if you upgrade your hardware later, you might have to switch pins if you use that now.
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Re: Atmega 328: available pins for SoftSerial UART

Thanx :-)
My DAB project is on the backburner until SID text issue is resolved and I'm taking some classes that are eating up much of my free time.

I'm looking forward to play with my DAB dev board and hopefully integrate it into a saab-cdc :-)