Working with calls

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Working with calls

The last hardware has 3.5 jack to connect mic. Is it working for now? I have some ideas how it should work. If mobile phone connected and call recieved source should automatically changes to CDC (for example from radio or CD). And also some button on steering wheel should be working as call answer button. Maybe it can be implemented?
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Re: Working with calls

We're still working through a number of issues on the 3.5mm mic-in. The built in microphone that is supposed to be used with OnStar is not giving enough input as discussed in this thread.

The software part of this should be fairly straight forward (famous last words). On every loop we check the status of RN52 bluetooth chip. And if at some point it reports that there's an incoming call, we change the functionality of NXT (or any other) button on the steering wheel to be a "pick up the call" button.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)