A little correction. The instructions
homerisback posted are relevant to v5.x of BlueSaab. With v6.x I got lots of user requests so I put them in the code a bit differently (yes, yes, I know, I should've updated the instructions; I really suck at documentation

Since volume gain of RN52 Bluetooth module gets configured automatically, there's no dedicated volume control via IHU buttons in v6.x firmware anymore. Here's what buttons do in v6.x:
Steering wheel:
- NXT: Play/Pause
- SEEK+: Next track
- SEEK-: Previous track
- IHU1: Make BlueSaab discoverable
- IHU3: Reconnect BlueSaab to last known device
- IHU6: Disconnect BlueSaab from current active device
I believe I disabled SEEK button functionality on IHU as it works differently on 9-3's and 9-5's and just causes more confusion.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)