Hi all,
i assembled a 5.3 Version of the Board (actually 3, but all show the same problem).
On the first i might have burned the chip (not to good at SMD soldering), but i gave away the other two with were sent through a industrial soldering oven. At least those should be ok from the soldering point of view.
i'm using a ATMEGA328P-AN as the one originally in the BOM was not available.
When i connect it to power only the power LED lights up, so from what i know the bootloader is missing.
When trying to change that (Atmel Studio and AVRISP mkII using these instructions :
https://startingelectronics.org/tutorials/arduino/arduino-uno-burning-bootloader-avr-studio/) there are multiple outcomes but all do not work:
- only power connected using the 12V in:
no voltage detected on the 3v3 pin of the ISP header, Atmel studio does not detect anything
- supplying power using the FTDI interface (5V):
The TX LED starts to flash, Atmel studio detects voltage but still can't read the device signature or communicate (connection failed on MOSI line, connection failed on clock line)
1. Is it correct that the 3v3 PIN of the ISP does not recieve power when regularly powering the board?
2. And ideas what to look out for to solve my problems.
I hope you can help me.
Best regards