I have about 25 of these harness for sale. They are for the 9-5's that have the dual connector near the front driver (passenger in RHD) foot well, and goes all the way to the trunk. The ground wire needs connected to a body ground, and then you will have the single, 12-pin connector that will mate to a factory CD changer (or a BlueSaab module

The short cable is pn 400129243 (superseded 0283382); no longer available afaik.
THIS long cable is pn 400111720 (superseded 0278739). It's about 11ft long.
If you need the short cable, this cable will work, but the connectors won't mate so you'll have to splice this harness into your car harness.
$25/ea, free s/h within USA.
$35/ea, free s/h everywhere else.
Send me a message on here or BlueSaab37 at the g-mail address.