You won't see anything until BlueSaab firmware is loaded onto the module. Here's how it goes:
- There's a distinction between UART1 and UART2 pins.
- UART1 is used exclusively to flash firmware onto STM32 as that's the interface STM32 bootloader is listening to out of the box.
- UART2 pins Rx and Tx are used for debugging. That's where you should see a welcome message once you successfully flash the firmware onto STM32.
So you would need to:
1. Power on the module and do the button sequence to push it into DFU mode.
2. Use UART1 to flash BlueSaab firmware onto module.
3. Power down the module.
4. Connect UART2 Rx pin to Tx pin of your FTDI cable.
5. Connect UART2 Tx pin to Rx pin of your FTDI cable.
6. Connect any GND pin on the module to the GND pin of your FTDI cable.
7. Open serial connection using PuTTY at 115299 8 data bits; no parity; one stop bit.
You should now see a message (you might need to hit RESET button again):
"Hardware version: 6.1"
"Firmware version: 6.1.1"
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)