CD changer wiring harness

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CD changer wiring harness

Certain year 9-5s came without the CD changer wiring harness installed by default (hence - no CDC connector in the trunk). The wiring harness was one of three components that was needed for an upgrade (CD changer installation). Here's the information on VIN's that need that wiring harness. My MY01 didn't have it, so I ordered from

The installation is pretty simple:

1. Carefully take off the trunk upholstery on the left hand side. Make sure that you take it off all the way to the arch of the left passenger wheel.

Two test probes plugged into connectors

2. On top of the left passenger wheel there are two connectors (seen in the pic above). Connect the CD changer wiring harness to them.
3. At this point you should be left with one small unmounted cable coming from the CD changer harness. That's the GND. Mount it to the body of the car. There are multiple places you can choose from.
4. Route the CD changer connector through an incision in the upholstery.
5. Refit the trunk upholstery.

2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: CD changer wiring harness

Trionic Seven
Hey Karlis.

Just finished building my Bluesaab v3.3 and it seems to work great on the bench, even pairs with the phone. I'm really excited.

However, I can't find the correct wiring harness for my car. I have a 9-5 Wagon 2002, VIN 3038XXX (which would mean it should have all the wires needed. However, I only find the two connectors just like in this picture: (not my car)

Do I need this wiring harness: ?

According to all docs I've read, I shouldn't need the harness, however I seem to miss it on my car.

Thanks a bunch
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Re: CD changer wiring harness

Looks like you need it to me...not sure why your VIN doesn't fit the documentation...

eSaabParts has that cable cheaper than eEuroParts...
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Re: CD changer wiring harness

Trionic Seven
Thanks. Yes, it's strange that I didn't have the cable fitted. Imagine my excitement of having everything done, and the module working and I still have to wait until next week!

For all the googlers out there: This is part number 400 129 243: (the pdf contains a high-res image of what the cable does)

I ordered the cable from my Saab dealer and they'll get it next week. (But I want my bluesaab now! ;) )
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Re: CD changer wiring harness

Well, yeah, I'm yet to see a 9-5 (which never had a CD changer) with a CD changer wiring harness installed. I know that BlueSaab is installed on at least five 9-5s (including mine) and all needed the wiring harness to be extra ordered.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: CD changer wiring harness

I think only the MY99 has the whole cable pre-installed, no matter if it had the CD-Changer originally installed.
9-5 Estate MY2004/Aero/Glacier Blue/AS2