Ok, so here's the deal. The issue is that 9-5's are a bit picky. :) They have way too more comms happening between head unit and CD changer than 9-3's have. A part of these comms is a message that CD changer is supposed to send to head unit with an interval of one second. While doing some recent tests with an original SAAB CD changer I noticed that there are two different messages CD changer is sending to head unit. One while it's doing a "playback" of a CD and another one when it's "idle and not playing anything". I thought that implementing two different "status report" messages would help us to fix an issue we've seen on 9-5's when, though occasionally, switching from Radio mode to CDC mode on head unit, it doesn't properly go into CDC mode straight away (signaled by a "magic beep"). If that's the case, the user has to go back to Radio mode and then back to CDC mode (double press of CD/RDM button) again.
I would suggest that in order to get everything working to a point, you should use the latest release code from Github (
https://github.com/kveilands/SAAB-CDC/releases/tag/v3.0). That has not been altered since and has the latest Bluetooth handling code which enables "auto-reconnect" and "auto-play upon reconnect" features.
Good luck and let me know how it goes! :)
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)