BlueSaab v5.x

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BlueSaab v5.x

Here's the firmware for v5.x
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab v6.1


So I might be a complete noob at this but...

I have a virgin v5.5 board that seems to work.
Connecting the USB to the computer shows an FTDI device connectd, the TX and RX leds blink very shortly during that connection, and the Power led stays on all the time after that.

I can connect, with "avrdude", to the atmega chip.

But... Now what ?

I read that I must burn a bootloader to the atmega ? What kind of bootloader ? Any info on that ? Is it part of the .zip ? Should I just burn the "BlueSaab_v6_no_SID_control.bin" to that ?

Thank you.
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v6.1

Yes, you will need bootloader to burn in firmware on v5.x modules. There are quite a few ways of doing it. Some are straight forward, some are not so. I myself used an USBtinyISP bootloader board to do this. That made it simply as "click -> click -> next -> OK" type of procedure.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab v6.1

I guess my question would be...

Is the "bluesaab_no_Sid.bin" file the bootloader I have to burn ? In other terms, is that the Atmega's firmware ?

Also, any chance I could test it without having the SAAB connector ?
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v6.1

                                                                                      ‎Here's my setup, which is obviously less than optimal :)

Proof of connectivity :

European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v6.1

Well, you are trying to burn v6.1 firmware onto v5.x hardware. That will not work. v6.1 uses fundamentally different hardware (STM32) than v5.x (ATMEGA).

I'll put back in the link to v5.5 firmware shortly.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab v6.1

Oh, well, thank you :)

EDIT: I tried to connect with STM-32 flasher on Windows and couldn't... I guess I'm just stupid :}
EDIT2 : Does that mean that I can use the Arduino IDE to flash it again, with the USB cable, without all the fuss I got with my raspberry ?
EDIT3: If anyone else is interested in burning it with Linux + raspberry, I could write a guide. It doesn't require the Arduino IDE at all, as long as you have the firmware in birany form.
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v6.1

Just uploaded (have no idea where the previous files went). Check the Firmware section of the forum.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

In reply to this post by Karlis
Thank you !

EDIT: got blinking blue/red LEDS so I'm assuming it works !
EDIT2: Connected with my phone... Just waiting for the damned connector now !
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

Yep, that should do it. :)
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

Too eager to connect it before getting the connector, I made myself a small "adapter" harness to solder on the board.

Everything works, but the can bus.

I got the CANL and CANH LEDS to blink for approximately 5 seconds, and then no matter what I did, nothing works. The car doesn't detect the module obviously, and turning the ignition on/off doesn't change anything.

The bluetooth connectivity works apparently.

I also once got the TX and RX leds to be on somehow, I don't know why. They never turned back on after I unplugged/replugged the device.

Is it a fair assumption that one of the tracks is probably badly soldered ?

Is it possibly a firmware issue ?
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

The firmware has not changed for ~18 months now. What about serial output? Are you seeing any messages being printed out on serial console when connected to the module via USB cable?
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

I will try and edit this post accordingly. Might not be able to do that before tomorrow.
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

You don't need to connect the module to the car to see messages appearing on serial output. It should say at least "BlueSaab v5.x". If that works, check your CAN uC connections on pins for shorts. If no messages appear, that means you have a problem with the firmware upload and it's not actually running.
2001 9-5 SE V6; 2006 9-5 Wagon; iOS; BlueSaab version = "latest and greatest" :)
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

Hmm. I'm assuming the baudrate is 9600 and something should appear as soon as I connect ?
Got nothing here.

Will try to upload again.
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

I'm completely lost I think.

What's the difference between a bootloader and the firmware ?

Also, your "how-to"s dating from 2016 use the uncompiled version of the firmware for use with Arduino firmware. Any way to have a more recent how-to ?

It's weird that the bluetooth module is working but the can isn't.
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

Are you sure you have the canbus wires correct, since you wired it up without the connector?

On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 14:42 Weby [via BlueSaab Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm completely lost I think.

What's the difference between a bootloader and the firmware ?

Also, your "how-to"s dating from 2016 use the uncompiled version of the firmware for use with Arduino firmware. Any way to have a more recent how-to ?

It's weird that the bluetooth module is working but the can isn't.
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.

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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

I am positive, and I even tried to switch them, to no avail.

The board seems to be soldered fine as well, I didn't see any shorts so far.
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

Can you take [clear] pictures of the front & back of the pcb? Also, you should be getting serial info even if not connected to the car. I think v5.x and below used 9600 but won’t hurt to try other baud rates.

If the code isn’t working (due to not loaded correctly or whatever) then it doesn’t matter if the hardware is connected & working correctly; the software is what talks to the car and makes things work.
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Re: BlueSaab v5.x

This post was updated on .
Not sure it's gonna help.

I checked the "mess" near U5 and it doesn't seem to affect anything.
All the tracks are still okay, despite their appearance.

EDIT: progress

After flashing the "optiboot_atmega328.hex" bootloader and then flashing Bluesaab v4.1, I now have the "tx" and "rx" leds ON after booting the IHU for the first time.
No sign of life from the CAN leds.
The bluetooth leds flash red/blue when not connected, and flash red when my phone is connected. (Shouldn't it be switched ?)

EDIT2: please give us a how-to describing the flashing of the firmware from a bare board... :( :(
European Saab 95 - 2006 - Prestige with Denso headunit.